Saturday, February 14, 2015

Caring for your American Girl Doll's Hair

I know dolls are for everyone to enjoy as they please, but sometimes I feel bad for the doll! Brothers coloring on their faces, kids yanking at the dolls tangled hair with a hair brush, or just plain beating on the doll. This may be fun, but is not recommended if you want to preserve the life of your doll.

A big struggle with most AG doll owners is the hair. AG dolls have some of the best quality hair, but even it wears out. To prevent the dolls hair from drying out and breaking, just follow a few tips. 

Make sure to use an AG wig brush when you're brushing your dolls hair. If one of those isn't available, a metal bristled brush should be sufficient. Also, do not brush your dolls hair with a brush that you have used in your own hair. The oils from your hair will damage the dolls hair.

Sometimes it is necessary to wash and/or cut your dolls hair. If you wash your dolls hair do not get water in the dolls eyes or excessive amounts on the skin. Make sure to wash out all of the soap when you are done. Only trim your dolls hair ONLY IF NECESSARY. Only cut off a small amount from the tips.

If you follow the tips, hopefully your dolls hair will stay soft and not break. Thanks for reading and have a lovely day styling your dolls beautiful hair!


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