Tuesday, February 24, 2015

From the Dolls Perspective- Lydia (7)

TODAY IS MY BALLET RECITAL! I AM SOOO EXCITED AND I CANT WAIT BECAUSE EVERYONE WHO IS ANYONE OS GOING TO BE THERE AND I... I ... JUST CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, mom says I can't yell anymore! but still, I can't wait to twirl and turn up on that big stage with everyone watching me in center stage! I made Sierra promise that she would give Mr. Cuddles his own chair so he can watch to. I am doing an excerpt from the Nutcracker, even though it is late February.

Carmen says she doesnt want to come, but I know she will. I come to every single one of her soccer games, so she kind of has to. Ever since that bad test grade, Carmen has been more bitter than usual. I wasn't supposed to know about the bad grade, but I have to take out the trash as my chore and might have maybe slightly seen the big red F shining into my face. So, anyway, now she's been treating everyone like they're losers.

Don't tell anyone else this, but Sierra's my favorite sister. She is really calm and always knows what to do. Violet also always knows what to do, but can be REALLY bossy and snooty about ti. Sierra and I also share some of the same interests. I like singing and acting and dancing, and she likes preforming music. Sierra also knows what its like to be the youngest. Before I was adopted when Sierra was 10, she had to deal with being the youngest for 5 whole years in this family, which isn't easy! Well, got to go to an acting workshop, BYE!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your blog and I can't wait to read more of your posts! I love dolls like you and I hope you will continue to make wonderful reviews, fanfics, and tutorials!
